Thursday 3 November 2011

Amateur vs Professional

There is a great deal to be said for having an amateur mindset. That is probably the opposite of what the current socio-educational-secular environment encourages. We are encouraged to pursue activities in order to be rewarded for them.
A child does well at school? Good work, keep it up and you can get a high-paying job.
A child does well at sport? Good work, keep it up and you can get a lucrative sports deal.
Sportsmen and women pursue the biggest pay and best offers. Business people look for the highest-paying job.
This is the professional mindset.
What if someone plays a sport for the pure joy they get out of it? What if they sign with a certain club because they actually want to play there, and salary comes second to that.
What if a person pursues a job that they love, even if it doesn't pay much?
That is the amateur mindset.
The professional mindset lends itself to superficial partnerships (founded on money) and unhealthy competition. It leads to a lack of loyalty in business relationships because everybody knows you are there only while the money is "good". And one often grows tired of a job when you don't actually like it.
The amateur mindset lends itself to special friendships (united by common goals) and healthy competition. Business relationships are stable because people know you are there because you want to do the job.
So, although the world is becoming more and more entrapped by the professional mentality, I think a lot is being lost. You can still find some amateurs among us, even in the professional fields. Often they are extremely successful. The success is a by-product of their amateur mindset. People are willing to pay when they know that you are dedicated to the job, and will stick it out in the long run. Others will support you simply because they can identify with the amateur ideals.
I just don't know what will happen when the current young people move into the world at large. They have grown up being told/shown that the professional mentality is the best...

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