Friday 25 November 2011

Goal Changes

Do you suffer from Perpetual Goal Change Syndrome? Are your goals as flexible as a rhythmic gymnast? You're probably not alone.
Many people have a hard time really focussing on one or two goals that are truly what they want to achieve. The world we live is also always obsessed with the latest trend. And those trends seldom last longer than two issues of a gossip magazine.
What to do?
Do you try to keep up, constantly changing your benchmarks? Or doggedly put your head down and keep going for that goal you set way back when you didn't need to shave every day?
The answer is actually a bit of both.
Persistence and Perseverance are important. Sticking to your plan when the going gets tough is a good way to develop many positive qualities.
But, what if your life changes? Or you re-evaluate your goals and realise that they are not what you really want to achieve?
It's no good achieving something which no longer holds any value for you. Better in such cases is to sit down and weigh up your options. Decide whether you really do need to change your goals or whether you are just looking for an excuse.
Goals change, life is not stable.
Sticking to your long-term plan is important, and the way to reach your goal, but if you realise that the goal is not what you truly desire, its better to change it.
If you take the time to really think about what is important to you, you'll find a long-term goal that rings true. Once you've done that, you can apply persistence and perseverance to it once again...

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