Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Balancing Wants And Needs

When it comes to training we usually focus on our wants. Our goals seldom revolve around what we need.
That is not necessarily a bad thing from a certain point of view. I've written before on methods that will make your goals more necessary from an achievement perspective. Today I'm referring to the content of your training sessions as you pursue those goals.
For example: I need to do more stretching, but I want to do more direct arm work.
Once you have laid out your goals, you will quickly realise that you have a limited amount of time in which to accomplish them. (Unless you are a shiftless layabout with stacks of cash and loads of time). For most employed people it will come down to balancing your time with what you need to do to reach your goals.
Generally there will be some boring but necessary stuff that will need to be in your program.
Next you can add in those things that directly support and lead to achievement of the goal.
Now, if you have any space left you can squeeze in the things you want to do, but aren't really tied to your goals.
This is hard for some people to deal with. They prefer to just do the fun stuff. Well, its up to you, but you can't blame anyone if you never get anywhere.
If you want to remain healthy, and be in this for life, then there are some things you should pay attention to, before they turn into big problems:
Flexibility and Mobility.
Left-to-Right, Front-to-Back balance.
Core strength.
As long as you maintain these you will be less prone to injury and more likely to keep training for a long time.
Yes, we want many things, but often we don't need them in order to achieve our goals.
Make sure that the things you need are in place, after that feel free to add what you want.

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