Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Week 4: 14-18 May 2012

Spent last week as Week 4 (Deload) of 531.

This week: Started with Full Body Template:
Mon: Squat
Wed: Bench
Fri: Press, Deadlift

My shoulder is coming right now after some intense physio.
Not 100%, but I can bench again, and pressing seems OK.
Looks like I might just be able to get back on track for 2012.

As an aside:
Olympic Lifting Rocks: Check this out >> Learn the Snatch [T-Nation]

Gotta run...

Friday, 11 May 2012

A New Beginning

I feel like I have been out of circulation for a while, so my posts have been few.
It started with a stupid move. I moved a barbell from one hook to another.
Simple. Yes. But, if you do it with a shoulder press, when it's a weight near your max its not smart.
Enter the shoulder injury. Eight weeks later, I'm still broken.
I've been rehabbing and fixing, and it's much better. I even have a better understanding of shoulder health now.
So, not all was lost. But, eventually I gave in and went to see the Doc.
I've had my scan, and will see the physio next week.
Hopefully the end is in sight.

What this means: No bench. No Press. No Squat (too much rotation on the shoulder).
What I can still do: Deadlift, Front Squat, Snatch, Chin, Rows. One Arm Presses.
So my training will continue.

I realised that I lost the plot a bit with my workout routines. This will be remedied.
Back to what has worked: 5/3/1. 3 Days a week. Basic. Simple Progression.

Starting Monday. Planning to stick it out for at least 6 Months. Time to get a grip.
I can't let another year go by with too little progress.

Today I tested my Deadlift so that I know where to begin on Monday:

Snatch: 30kg : 4x3
Deadlift: 70kg,85kg,100kg,115kg,130kg,145kg,160kg : all 1 rep.
Bench Test: Nope, shoulder don't want that.

It's been a while since I lifted 160kg. I'm quite happy about it.
I may have to start with a recovery week...