Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I'm Dying!

The pain! The agony!
I thought that I was taking it easy yesterday when I started using my weights again. Ow! I'm having a hard time walking today. So, here's some advice when you start up an exercise program after a bit of a lay-off.
Start much lower than you think you should. I mean somewhere around 25% of your old maxes. And then do half the number of sets.
You can always increase the weights if you feel ok, but if you end up like I am today, it can blow the whole week out.
The new motto is:
Start slow. Slow progress. Steady achievement.
I think I need a painkiller...

Monday, 26 September 2011

Workout 18

You'll notice that this post is not a convict conditioning workout.
What is this? Has CC been thrown to the wind?
No. But I have realised that I need to include other work if I want to reach all my goals.
Will extra work hinder my progress? I don't think so. According to information that I have on hand, spinal loading is the main culprit when it comes to recovery interference. Bodyweight work has a much smaller impact on one's ability to recover from bouts of exercise. I will include weights and see if my CC progress is affected, and if it is, I will reduce the extra work. CC is still the main goal for now.

So, here is today's workout:

Deadlift: 95kg x 3 3 3
Pullup: +10kg x 3 3 3
Kettlebell Swings: 24kg x 10 10 10 10 10  > (speed)
Calf Raise: BW x 10 10 10 +24kg x 10 10  > (slow)

It was a bit of effort to get back to weights after what amounts to 6months without my equipment.
Taking it slow to see how it goes...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I'm Alive!

The news of my demise has been greatly exaggerated. (If you didn't hear about it, no matter).
I have been ill... I know that may come as a shock given my near invulnerable semi-superhuman constitution, but it has happened. The germs of my new country have been having a field day with my immune system. I've never been so sick in my life. Anyway, I'm confident that I will return to full vigour soon enough.
For those in Malaysia, USA, Germany, RSA, NZ who have read posts in the past keep tuning in for the continuing adventures.
Feel free to leave a comment, or just tick one of the boxes under my posts.
I will try to keep it interesting and upbeat, wacky and yet intellectual.

It's almost time to get back on the exercise wagon as well, but I have to make sure that the illnesses have passed first. I still have some way to go on the convict conditioning plan. I will also try to get back to the Adventures of Mr Caldragin, because we can't leave him running around on a roof forever!
All in all, my positivity is coming back, and hopefully that will channel into some more entertaining times here on the basics blog. Keep tuning in...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A Word On Goals

If your goal is to change your body, can you look in the mirror and imagine yourself the way you want to be?
Or if your goal has to do with achieving something, can you close your eyes and see it happening?
Answer those questions truthfully because they are at the heart of what you want to achieve. If you cannot see the end-result in your minds-eye you cannot succeed. For a goal to be achieved you must believe you can do it.
Your body will not do what your mind believes is unachievable. If, deep down in the depths of your being, you don't believe you will succeed, you will not.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Is there still a place in the world for manners and etiquette? Have we moved beyond the times where people lived by moral codes that influenced their interactions with one another.
Many will say that we have. The vast majority will agree that we should forget things like that in the modern world. Women seem affronted when a man insists that they should be treated differently. After all, nowadays we are all "equal".
Well I have news for you: Men and Women are not equal. You cannot say air and water are equal. Both are vital to life, but have very different functions and makeups.
Women are not men, and men are not women. Are they of equal value? There we can say 'yes'. Men are different to women, they have different strengths and weaknesses. The same goes for women. Would it be wrong to have a code to guide men in their interactions with women? Actions that are deemed appropriate and respectful? I think not.
So, if I hold open a door for a women, and let her go through first, it's not that I don't think she can do it herself. It's just a way to show courtesy. Take it at face value.
I've thought long and hard about the 'changing roles of modern men and women' and have decided to reject the majority view.
In my book courtesy and respect will be the guide for interactions with the fairer (gasp!) sex. If you don't like it, get away from the door before I get there...

Friday, 9 September 2011

Value of Time

It seems incredible that we sell our time for amounts of money far below it's actual value. You have a limited number of hours to live, is it really only worth the amount you get per hour?
I don't think so. I doubt you do either. Keep that in mind when you feel tempted to measure a person by the car they drive or house they live in. Those are side-effects of how they sell their time, not measures of a person's worth.
It's ok to work for less, but it's not ok when you use the payment a person receives to rate that person.
Just as you are worth more than what you wear, so is everybody else.
So if you can't measure people by money any more, what will you use?
Time to develop a real set of values, grasshopper...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

I'm Melting!

Any guy that has spent an appreciable amount of time in the gym has an inordinate fear of being small. You don't skip a workout because you'll shrink. You can't stop doing certain exercises because you'll shrink. Heck, if you miss one meal, you'll shrink.
At least, that is what the fear is.
It's not true. As long as your pattern of eating is good (enough calories) and you are getting stimulation for your muscles, you do not shrink.
Ok, you may not be getting bigger, but at least you're not going backwards! Why do I bring this up? Well, my weights finally arrived yesterday after a 6 month wait. I have not shrunk. I've been doing a basic bodyweight program (levels below my max ability), averaging 2 workouts a week. I've had several run-ins with illness. (not used to all the new germ varieties here). Also, my diet has been up and down. But, I'm still pretty much in the same condition as I was 6 months ago.
It's not ideal. I prefer to improve, but given the circumstances, not bad.
What does this mean?
1. If you need to focus on something (rehab, prehab, arms, calves), go for it. The rest will stay where it is if you put it in maintenance.
2. If you want to lose (or gain) weight, getting out of maintenance takes effort. Your body wants to stay there. But, if you can get to your goal, soon that will be your maintenance point and your body will want to stay there. So go for it.
Don't fear losing where you are. It's just a step to where you want to be anyway. But at least if things don't go to plan, you can feel more secure knowing that your hard work won't just instantly disappear!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Never Give Up

Just when you think that you are in cruise mode with your goals an iceberg comes along.
"I am the Titanic, I am unsinkable!"
Er, no, that iceberg is going to rip you open from stem to stern.
Ok, perhaps that's a bit melodramatic, but that's how it feels when you fall off the rails.
"I'm a loser. It's all over. My diet/exercise plan/goal is RUINED!"
Have courage. Very little is completely wrecked by one or two failures.
If you look at a plan over a period of months or years, the blips of falling off the rails won't even register. The big thing is to keep at it. Never give up.
You cannot throw in the towel because there is no towel!
Keep your nose to the grindstone, and you will achieve that goal. One or two stumbles do not define the journey. They do not turn you into a failure. The only way you can be a failure is if you decide that you are a failure.
If you simply stick at it and refuse to give up you will get to that goal.
Stick to that goal. Success is there if you grab it.