Thursday, 16 February 2012

Workouts This Week v2

Well, some more tweaking went on, and things changed a little.

I needed to make one or two changes to my new plan, so it's actually very close to the previous one again.
I've got Wed a bit more firmed up, and include Kettlebells, which I've missed a bit.
I also trimmed the Bodyweight stuff to bare bones. Plus a little bit of rehab work for my shoulders thrown in.
Hopefully I have the balance right now. We'll know in a few weeks.

There is still inspiration from "Power to the People", "Madcow 5x5", 531, "Enter the Kettlebell".
It's a bit eclectic, but so are my goals.

Along with all this I've changed my eating plan. I've tried a couple of Intermittent Fasting approaches, but none of them have really worked for me. The LeanGains approach is a bit more to my liking. It's been almost a week already, and so far, so good.

The next cycle is under way...

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