Have you done what you dreamed you would?
Have your dreams been replaced by regrets?
You didn't achieve what you dreamed of because you got injured, someone else got the scholarship, you had to get a job, had to look after a family member.
Shame. Too bad. So sad.
Deal with it. You're not the first first person that has had roadblocks put in their way. Life is all about choices. It's about making decisions and living with them.
There may be regrets, but they should be minimal and remembered only for educational purposes. Get rid of any emotional attachment to the worst bits of the past. Focus on what you can do now. Where can you go from here?
If you are over 25 and you haven't been training full time with the goal of being an Olympian, it's probably not going to happen. (of course, I don't know your circumstances).
If you can let go of the past dreams, then you have a chance to make new ones that you can achieve. They may be more modest, but if they really focus on what is deep down in your guts, then it will be worthwhile for you to pursue.
It may not be a gold medal at the Olympics, but perhaps it can be a gold medal performance.
A life lived by looking at what you missed out on, is a life not lived. Focus on what you do have, and what you can do, and you will have a life that is lived.
Seek it, Find it, Never Yield.
Fight! ... Win!
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