Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Rest And Refocus

Well, I've been off the grid for a couple of days and hopefully you were able to cope without a dose of my most excellent wit and wonderful wisdom.
I haven't had the luxury of a break for over a year, so it was nice to do all the usual holiday favourites: eat too much, sleep too little, visit with loved ones.
Anyway, despite this, I was still able to get in some good training, and keep most of my eating relatively healthy. So it can be done.
The best thing about the time off though, is that it gives one time to do a bit of contemplation and really think about what you are trying to achieve. It's very easy to get lost in a daily grind and fall into a workout rut.
Go to gym...
Monday? Bench. 3x10. Biceps. 10x10.
Wednesday? Leg Press. 3x10. Triceps. 10x10.
Friday? ...
Not that I have an issue with arm specialization, but I would ask myself: Is this going to make me awesome? And, for me, the above routine = 0 on the Awesometer. It might be different for you.
So, I sat down and checked my routine on the Awesometer, and it was only a 7. So I thought long and hard and made it into a 9. 10 is virtually impossible to achieve. (Only Chuck Norris is that awesome).
So, that is the main point in this post. Take a long hard look at what you're doing and decide whether it is awesome, and will make you awesome. That is what your workout routine should do for you. Its end-goal must resonate inside your soul. When you ask yourself: Do I want this?
The answer should be: Hell, yeah!

* Apologies for the repeated use of the word 'awesome', but it is currently the only word I can think of that accurately conveys the internal and external expression of an emotional and physical achievement.

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