Friday, 1 June 2012

Cruel Eld Doth Encroach Upon me

Yep, I am getting older. One of these days I might actually grow up. Maybe.
When you are young and fresh [16~23] its easy to recover from just about anything that you can throw at your body.
You are pliable. You may not be flexible, but generally your muscles and sinew are unscarred and have little damage. But this changes as you get older. You lose it little by little. Pretty soon you're a brittle old codger. (Metaphorically speaking. You might only be 30). You realise that you actually have to work at your mobility, flexibilty and structural qualities.
I used to do the splits. No more. All the desk work has made me tight.
But, its never too late. So, a much as I hate it, I need to start doing foam-rolling and mobility work.
I cant bring myself to spend my training time doing it, as I only have 3 hours a week as it is. So, my solution is to create a pre-bed routine. 15-20min of rolling and mobility every day.
Soon I will return to my youthful vigour. Or, at the very least, stop doddering around like a rusty old robot.
The other side-effect I would like is to be a little more injury-proof again.
Let the test begin...

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