Monday, 31 October 2011

Workout 27

Squat Day

Warmup: Mobilit
  Squat: 88x5, 94x5, 100x5
  Kneeling Squat: 5,5,5  -- This is difficult when your legs are sore.
  Hip Thrust: 15,10,10 -- So is this!

Well, my mad soccer game of last night seems to have affected me. Legs are stiff again. Adductors are the worst. They just haven't been able to get used to the sprinting yet.
I will have to see how it all pans out for this soccer thing...


Most of the time we are operating at what amounts to about 50% of our actual capacity. If we really focus and work hard, we may be able to get up to 80%. But, generally we drift along being "good enough".
We always keep something in reserve. That may be a habit rather than a necessity. Sure, we cannot operate at 100% all the time or we may burn out. But, think about the times when you really focused yourself on the tasks at hand and cranked out something you were really proud of. Or simply a time when you focused properly so that what you accomplished was quality rather than simply "done".
Now imagine doing that more often. What could you do if you simply made it a habit to focus properly and completely on what you are doing? You would have a lot more to be proud of.
If you simply work on the habit of performing at 80% rather than 50% you will in the next few weeks produce better results, enjoy better experiences, and perhaps extract more results from your time than ever before.
That sounds good to me. A little more focus for a much larger reward. Time to put some more life into living...

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Workout 26

My 531 and Convict Conditioning foray starts today.
The 531 bodyweight template is my starting point for this. I only tweak the bodyweight portion to fit in with the CC progressions. So, it's not strictly Jim Wendler's 531, but I think it's close enough to still work if I give it beans.

Press Day

Warmup: Mobility, Stretching
  Shoulder Press: 40x5, 42.5x5, 45x6
  Chinups: 5,5,5,5,5,4
  Handstand Pushup: Crow Stand: 2x30sec

I think it should work out. My Maxes on the exercise have taken a massive dip in the last 6 months.
Hopefully that strength comes back fast. Otherwise waking up at 6am on a sunday morning to train might become a bit of a chore...

Friday, 28 October 2011

The Adventures Of Cord Caldragin: 1.11

Cord moved quickly along the passage, all senses tuned to preventing someone finding him exposed in the corridors. He realised that it would become extremely difficult if he had to go much further into the palace. At any moment a servant could appear out of a bedroom or side passage, and that would create more problems than he wanted to deal with. He arrived at the first side-passage, and keeping his back to the wall quickly glanced around the corner. He was surprised to see the assassin strolling nonchalantly down the middle of the passage as if he had no care in the world. That was when Cord realised that there were no servants or guards about. And that could only mean that someone with a great deal of influence in the palace had organised it so that the assassin would be able to move freely in these apartments. But, with Cord now determined to prevent the assassination, that arrangement would be the downfall of the plan. Cord only had to avoid detection by the assassin. Making sure that the assassin was still looking the other way, Cord moved into the passage. The thick carpets helped him to be silent as he quickly sought to get as close as he could to the assassin.
It had been a strange evening so far, and Cord was sure that there was something brewing in the palace if an assassin could walk around in the royal apartments without fear.
Well, without fear currently. Cord would put some fear into him soon enough...

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Workout 25

My bench arrived today, but I haven't put it together yet. Besides, I'm still rather stiff, so need to loosen up first. After today's workout I'll go put it together.

  Mobility: rolls and rocks
  Kettlebell Complex: 24kg [swing + Snatch + neg Press (l,r)] : 5x3
  Heavy Swings: 32kg : 6x10

That was quite tiring. I will do these types of sessions in my back-off week during my quasi-531 routine.
So, one more Kettlebell session this week, then from next week, it'll be 531 (sort-of).

The days are flying by here, so I seem to be missing out on posting all that I want. I will have to try post more over the weekend again.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Old Men And Sport

Once again, I am in the agony of DOMS.

I skipped workouts last week so that I could try to prepare myself for a football(soccer) game on the weekend. I avoided lifting heavy, and rather did some shuttle runs and kicking to try get ready.
If it had been a bit of a run, and some social play it might have been ok. I was unprepared for two full 45min halves of sprinting, tackling and marking. My body is not happy.
There are men wiser than I who realise that you cannot just plunge into the competitive arena and come out unscathed. But, they're no fun.
Yes, I'm suffering at the moment, but it was fun to run around like a kid again. I will be doing it again.
But, I will definitely be much better prepared the next time. Guaranteed.
I could sit back and mellow like so many do when the get near middle-age, but where is the fun in that. I don't feel like I've peaked just yet, so I will keep at it until I simply can't run with the boys anymore.
By then there might be a pill that will make me younger anyway...

Workout 23 - 24

It's been such a busy couple of days, I forgot to post the workouts...

Workout 23 (14 Oct)
Usual Warmup
Deadlift: 90x2,3,3,2
Rear Foot Elevated Squat: bodyweight x10,10
Pushup: 10,8
One-Arm Press: 10kg x 10,10
Lying Bent Knee Raise: 20,15
Hip Thrust: 10kg x 10,10

Good solid work, easy. No soreness this week.

Workout 24 (17 Oct)
Headstand: 2min
Dips: bodyweight x 10,10,10
Short Bridge: 20,20
One Leg Deadlift: 16kg x 10,10,10
Inverted Row: bodyweight x 4,4,4,4,4
One Arm Band Rows: band x 10,10,10

Starting to get the weight and CC combination going, but I need to get everything a bit more organised.
I need some solid way to track progress and get the benefit of the work.
Wendler's 531 idea worked very well for me before, I may use that again...

Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Test

It's agonising. It sucks the life from your bones. It makes you wish you were not in the middle of it. And therefore it is terrific.
What is it? A 2-week detox.
No, not some cabbage-chomping water-only self-denial and "cleansing" ritual. Simply two weeks of cutting out the problem areas in dieting. All stimulants, refined carbs and processed foods are excluded for 14 days.
It's good for two reasons
1. You get a chance to avoid foods that can cause inflammation, and give your body a chance to revitalise.
2. It takes guts. It's not easy to cut out sugars and refined foods. It's easier said than done to stop drinking coffee if you are a bit of a coffee addict.
Some jump right into the 2 weeks, others ease into it. I'm one of the latter. I find it very difficult to go 'cold-turkey'. I am progressively cutting things out. It's a bit slower, as I'll probably be on the detox longer, but I think it's better for me. I'm struggling just cutting a few things. I have an inner rebel, and if I push him too far, I'll end up with a muffin in one hand, a coffee in the other and a chocolate in my mouth. He will not allow himself to be pushed. I must ease him into it. When each part becomes a habit, I'll move to the next. Slow and steady wins the race.
What is a few extra days if it helps me to make a long-term change? They were onto something when they said that patience is a virtue...

Friday, 14 October 2011


I don't usually get into nutrition because it's such a minefield. Everybody has an opinion. Many have qualifications. Many think qualifications aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
Anyway, here is my short list of nutrition advice for anyone who may be willing to listen.
1. If it had face you can eat it.
2. If it grew from the ground you can eat it. (if you can eat it raw and unprocessed).
3. Drink water.
4. Take multivitamins. Add: Zinc, Magnesium, C, Fish Oil, D3.
That is a pretty short list. The supplements are just to counteract the crappy quality of food, lack of sunlight exposure, and help combat any inflammation one may have.
It not exhaustive, but it's a good start. If you make it a basis and get some exercise, you should end up pretty healthy and fit.
That's all I'm going to say for now.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Workout 22

The Saga of CC and Weights combined continues.

Warmup: Mobility

  Chinup: Son (15kg)x 3; 7.5kg x 3,3
  Face Pull: Band x 10,10,10
  Squat (CC): Close Squat: 20,20 [a bit weird for my proportions]
  Swings: 24kg x 15,15,15
  Planks: 30s,30s

Now I'm starved and dying for food...

The Good Old Days

The world has become a sad overly pompous boring version of itself. I'm not exactly an old man, but I find myself thinking about the good old days every now and again.
The Rugby World Cup is on the go currently. (for those who have no idea, you can look it up on wikipedia). There has been some controversy, some of which I can understand.
But, one player was fined $6000 for jumping off a ferry and swimming to shore. From my point of view, that is horseplay. When I was 22 that meant you would be wrapped over the knuckles about it. You were still young enough to be caned if it was serious enough. But $6000? Please, I'd rather be caned and ge it over with.
Ditto the young men who went out drinking before a big game. Stern disapproval from all parties. Seems that young men are not allowed to beyoung men anymore. From birth you are expected to be dull. Shame on all those boring fuddy-duddies who make these silly rules. I think they are overly-impressed by their own ego. They were probably not "in" when they were young, and took it personally.
I long for the times when you were expected to be a bit naughty while you were still a young man. When all you risked was a smack on the rump with a cane. Now you can expect lawsuits and fines just for a bit of mischief.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Workout 21

I'm still working out the finer details of combining CC with some strength and conditioning work. I think it will still evolve a bit as I go forward. Here is the first real workout:

Warmup: Mobility

Handstand Pushup (CC):
  Wall Headstand: 1min, 1min
  Kettlebell Press: 12kg : 2x10
Inverted Pull:
  Inverted Row: 5x3
  Face Pulls: Band : 3x10
Bridges (CC):
  Short Bridge: 3x10
  Bodyweight Glute-Ham Raise: A few Negatives (This is a killer)
  A: Curls               : 10kg x 10,10; 7.5kg x 10
  B: Tri Extensions  : 10kg x 15,15; 7.5kg x 15

That was Monday. Today I'm feeling a bit sore, so at least I know I did something...

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Workout 20

A mad week this week, so the workout was a minimal session.

   Kneeling: 15,15
   Full Pushup: 10


Mobility: Some Rocking and Rolling.

Be Prepared

I was put on rescue training this week. I had to learn how to get people out of buildings in the case of major emergency (earthquakes, fires etc). And going through the course you realise that you aren't as prepared as you thought you were.
Perhaps you live in a city that has earthquake or storm risks. Maybe you have a couple of items like water and food to keep you going if you are stuck one day at work. But, do you have clothing and shoes for unforeseen weather? Do you have equipment that will help you get out of the building?
Even if we imagine a disaster, we seldom take unknown variables like weather or time of day into consideration.
It's time to be like the Scouts. Be Prepared. Think of as many possible outcomes as you can, and then implement measures to deal with them.

And in case you think this post has nothing to do with training, think again.
Your workout plan should have built-in "disaster recovery".
What do you do if you have to work late this week? Or travel? Skip all your workouts?
What if you hurt your wrist? How do you train around it?
How do you alter your eating plan if your stove packs up. (Take-out is not a valid backup).

With a little forethought and planning you can be ready to implement Plan B if something unforeseen tries to prevent you from achieving your goals.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Workout 19

So, Monday finally rolled around and I've recovered from the agony I inflicted on myself last week.
Warmup: Rocking and Rolling.

  Bridge: Short Bridges: 15,15
  Handstand Pushups: Wall Stands: 45sec, 45sec

I've decided to include all 6 of the CC exercises from now on. Most of the level 1 stuff is pretty straightforward from a bodyweight strength perspective.

I'll be having a Biosignature Assessment done this week or next, and may have to see how the CC can be included if I decide to get a trainer's help in order to get me back on track with where I was before we decided to move country.

We'll see what the continuing journey holds...