Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Good Old Days

The world has become a sad overly pompous boring version of itself. I'm not exactly an old man, but I find myself thinking about the good old days every now and again.
The Rugby World Cup is on the go currently. (for those who have no idea, you can look it up on wikipedia). There has been some controversy, some of which I can understand.
But, one player was fined $6000 for jumping off a ferry and swimming to shore. From my point of view, that is horseplay. When I was 22 that meant you would be wrapped over the knuckles about it. You were still young enough to be caned if it was serious enough. But $6000? Please, I'd rather be caned and ge it over with.
Ditto the young men who went out drinking before a big game. Stern disapproval from all parties. Seems that young men are not allowed to beyoung men anymore. From birth you are expected to be dull. Shame on all those boring fuddy-duddies who make these silly rules. I think they are overly-impressed by their own ego. They were probably not "in" when they were young, and took it personally.
I long for the times when you were expected to be a bit naughty while you were still a young man. When all you risked was a smack on the rump with a cane. Now you can expect lawsuits and fines just for a bit of mischief.

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