Friday, 20 January 2012

Superhero Or Supervillain

If you suddenly received cosmic power, what would you do with it?
Your first thought may be in the "do-gooder" direction. But is that really your inclination? Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What may happen is that you mete out some well-deserved punishment to some bad guys. Then you will start to mete out what you feel is right. Eventually you will do what is right for you. You will "deserve" what you take. Any who disagree will be enemies of right (and might).
This is why we like superheroes to be fictional. They don't get corrupted. And if they do, well at least it's fiction. In real life it would be scary. Who wants an unstoppable bad guy flying around doing whatever he wants?
So as much as I would like to be a superhero, I think it may be better for me to simply try to be awesome. Awesome people are cool. They do things that ordinary folks can't. And they live a life that amounts to something. But, if the awesomeness affects them and they go off the rails, there are ways to deal with them. You don't have to worry that a superstrong, invulnerable criminal is rampaging maniacally in the streets. And that is the way it should be.
So, don't dream of being super, just work hard to become awesome. You may not fly, or catch speeding bullets, but you can break records and smash limitations. And that, actually, can be pretty heroic.

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