Monday, 16 January 2012

Tweets For Dummies

Once upon a time I was a newbie. I thought I knew it all. I was wrong, very wrong. The more I've learned about training, the more I've come to realise that even the experts don't really understand it all. They just guess better than others. There are some simple guidelines that will take you quite far, but after that you're pretty much on your own. Nobody really knows what is best for you. You have to figure that out.
Here, though, are some solid principles that will get you to the point where you have to do it yourself. (Supplied in bite-size tweets).

Lift heavy stuff.
Practice fast exercises.
Squat properly.
Eat good quality food.
Get good quality sleep.
Learn about exercise with an open mind.
Stretch and use full ROM on exercises.
Track your progress.
Work hard and Rest/Recover properly.

If you do these things, you will make progress and achieve something.
That's better than 90% of people who "exercise."

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