Friday, 6 January 2012

Workout 39 40 41

In a previous post I mentioned sitting down and looking at my routine on the awesomeness scale. I realised that My bodyweight goals are awesome, so I need to work towards them. But my strength goals are also awesome, so I will work at them too. As both of these goals involve strength, I can work towards them concurrently. A bit of Hypertrophy work thrown in will not go awry.
Therefore I took the 5x5 Template of Mark Rippetoe, the work of Wendler, the original ideas of Bill Starr and added in some bodyweight. Hopefully I left the logic of the classic plan in tact.

Day 1:
Squat: 5x 60,70,85,95,110
Bench: 5x 50,55,65,70,80
Deadlift: 5x 85,100,115

Day 2:
This was a bit of testing and checking this week. Should be working next week.
It will be the 6 Convict Conditioning Exercises: Pushup, Pullup, Squat, Bridge, Leg Raise, Handstand Pushup.
To that I will add a couple of exercise to get some volume, and balance the work.
It'll be good to take some spinal loading out of the program.

Day 3:
Squat: 5x 55,70,85,95
Bench: 5x 50,55,65,70
            3x 80
            8x 65
Row: 5x 50,55,60
         3x 65
         8x 50

Those who are familiar with the older style routines will recognise the 5x5 Madcow influence.
We'll see in a few weeks whether I got it right or not. The first cycle is meant to be 12 weeks. If I stall sooner than that I messed up.

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